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  • , 1971 INTERVIEWEE: ROBERT KOMER li~TERVIEWER: PAIGE E. PLACE: Mr. Komer's office, RAND Corporation, Washington, D.C. MULHOLL&~ Tape 1 of 3 M: You were, for part of the time in 1964 and '65, the White House man on Africa as well as the Middle
  • See all online interviews with Robert Komer
  • Oral history transcript, Robert Komer, interview 3 (III), 11/15/1971, by Paige E. Mulhollan
  • Robert Komer
  • of this," and that ended the discussion. All these at'ticles that you have seen that have been written by the great brains of the Kennedy Administration, including Robert Kennedy, on the Bay of Pigs as to the bad military advice and the betrayal of the military
  • Bay of Pigs: reasons for failure; criticism of JFK’s Administration; military-industrial complex discussed in reference to General Dynamics controversy; disapproval and disagreement with Robert McNamara’s policies; opinions on LBJ Administration’s
  • an acknowledgement from the White House within twenty-four hours. That had been the rule through Kennedy and we carried on through Johnson. [They got] at least an acknowledgement signed by Larry, which I signed. LBJ Presidential Library http
  • Kennedy, who was up on Long Island, I think, on this particular occasion-M: This was Robert Kennedy? H: Robert Kennedy. He, having been Attorney General for a time, and therefore had known about the deliberations of this 303 Committee, had known
  • anything to do with his trip to Vietnam when he was vice president? S: No, that took place while I was in Geneva, I believe, 1961? M: Yes, it would have been while you were there. What was your job in the department at the time that President Kennedy
  • might re-enter? That with all that had gone on with the Kennedy assassination, for example, the troubles in Chicago, and so forth, do you happen to know whether or not he ever waivered, whether there was a possibility that he might have come back? H
  • Senator Robert Kennedy's body along with seventy-five staff members of the Kennedy family. But as I say, they are controlled by this office. Now, in addition to that, the President has a Jet Star for short hops. This hauls thirteen people and he used
  • . The Kennedy statement at Fort Bragg referring to th e U.S. G over nment's position at the time of the Geneva Conference. 2 . The Taylor Report, 196 1 -- that part which discussed what might be necessary if current moves did not work in Vietnam . 3. The Geneva
  • ; 3.) bring about a "true revolution" by utilizing the private sector of Vietnam such as the Tenant Farmers Union. Robert Murphy and Justice Fortas agrees with Lodge. sho?ld expl~re Fortas believes we the greater use of smaller military units
  • to that, in the immediate past, you had served as Ambassador to OEeD and then prior to that in the Kennedy Administration, both as Director for the United States and the World Bank for a short time-L: Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
  • an everwidening cone into Oklahoma and the Southwest. abiding fundamentalism. covert issue then. There's a deep and John Kennedy's religion was something of a I mean it was a burning brush fire among [what] I guess you would call the religious groups
  • concurrent--I guess what I'm trying to say is that I would have probably gone over to the Civil Rights Commission whether or not Jack Kennedy had been assassinated. As I've been indicating in another context, I often wore a number of hats, and this was a time
  • . So I was one of them. Pat Kennedy, who was later to head up VISTA and who is now the city manager of Columbia, Maryland, was another. Jerry Bruno was the third one, and you know who Jerry is. Mel Cottone, who was also a Kennedy advance man
  • thing that concerned me was I couldn't really envision anybody else lead~~3 this country as Presidc':t. None of the people that \'icre on the scene, Hhich of course at that tir.:c included Senator Robert Kcnr.cdy and Vice President Humphrey-I had net
  • impatience; MLK and Resurrection City; Ramsey Clark and his relationship with LBJ; wire-tapping; J. Edgar Hoover; Robert Kennedy’s assassination; getting Secret Service protection for Presidential candidates; the Commission on Violence; Lloyd Cutler
  • .") · j The President of the United States, Presiding ACDA William C . Foster, Director AEC Glenn T. Seaborg, Chairman AID David E . Bell, Administrator ATTORNEY GENERAL Robert F . Kennedy CIA Lieut. General Marshall Carter, Deputy Director Chester
  • . government. I think much progress was made in perfecting the organization of the Defense Department in previous administrations. I think Mr. [Robert] McNamara contributed substantially to further improving the organization. And I think during Mr. [Clark
  • The organization of the Department of Defense and its relationship to the president and his advisers in decision-making; delegation of authority within the Department of Defense; comparing Clark Clifford to Robert McNamara as Secretary of Defense
  • . Then under Kennedy you joined the Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy. CK: That's right. K: Till 1966, yes. The same one then went on under President Johnson. Then also you were on President Kennedy's Railroad Emergency Board. I want to skip
  • don't recall his name at the moment, not the one who's a famous Japanese architect that planned on the Kennedy Library--this is another man. But President Johnson mentioned him to me two or three times, seemed to be well impressed with his work
  • 10: a. P=asidant Vietna~ I~s anc Anothe:: One is Kennedy, and Laos. has·been ~~a~ in te=ms deepened faction wit~ voices and ti.:e watt::::r tur:1ed whether the statec, "Was this •i:1 diC t~e role the of evils·?" US i~~ersion
  • of country for about two and a half weeks. I went from Rome back to Washington; as I mentioned earlier, I arrived there the day of the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas. Then I went back via the Far East, stopped off and saw our embassy
  • Returning to Saigon following the JFK assassination; Robert McNamara’s December 1963 visit to Vietnam; January 1964 Khanh coup and alleged French involvement; what the French might have wished for Vietnam; Christmas 1964 in Dalat; Tran Van Don; Le
  • a terrible commentary. P: Anyhow, on the way back, I was flown to Honolulu to participate in one of [Robert] McNamara's big flying circuses. G: Of 1962? P: 1962, yes. This was August, I think. And I was asked to give a brief presentation of what we
  • : You've got a problem. Back under Kennedy, you plugged for a cut in taxes to stimulate the economy. Now then you are starting to plug for a tax increase to slow down the economy. A: Right. F: In both cases you are delayed because of the political
  • ; Pierre Renfret; rumors of recession, 1966-1967; Ford strike, 1967; Ackley's resignation and subsequent ambassadorship to Italy; transition to Nixon Administration; Robert McNamara; balance of payments problem; Charles de Gaulle
  • : Oh, yes. M: Irreconcilable ones that just couldn't be compromised? T: Yes, we had several issues of that kind. For instance, the Kennedy round, when the deadline on June 30 of 1967 of the Kennedy round came along. We were up all night long
  • informational; explaining Vietnam policy across the country; Interagency Committee structure; Balance of Payments Committee; Kennedy Round; Relations with the Budget Bureau and the Council of Economic Advisors; LBJ’s relationship with businessmen; Sidney
  • quite good. There had been a conscious decision with Kennedy to try to work with him and not try to exert great pressures on him and to encourage him rather than to leverage LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT
  • Kennedy sent for me and I was told that they had made a mistake . They had thought any one of the assistants was qualified, but Mr . Bishop's assignment had had nothing to do with day-to-day operation of the Department . After Mr . Brawley left Mr . Day
  • 30 minute interview with LBJ on appointment as Deputy Postmaster General; contact with Senator Kennedy about congressional retirement program; background of appointment as Assistant Postmaster General for Operations (congressional endorsements
  • to contend that we were victims of disinformation, because it was coupled with a longer article by Robert Elegant about the failures of the media in Vietnam. Incidentally, I disagree very strongly with his thesis, but I think that was part of the reason why
  • , Robert Kennedy, had sent him a book in which he had marked a passage saying, "this might be of interest to you ." BA : Yes, I've seen references to that ; it's references to one of Bruce Catton's books on the Civil War, I believe
  • of the Senate as Vice President at the time my confirmation hearing came up, and he noticed my name on the calendar. That afternoon, after the confirmation hearing, I was in the office of Robert Giaimo, the Democratic congressman from my Connecticut district
  • ; naming the 1st model cities; working with the White House as LBJ’s power waned; Robert Wood; Vietnam’s effect on domestic spending; problems with progressing from plans to action; difficulty with appropriation of funds; working in cooperation
  • discussion the ·drone qu~ation was pretty well dismiesed. The same ie true of balloons as it was felt they represented .m ore serious operational·problems than drones.. The Attorney Oeneral, Robert Kennedy, expressed himseU very positively against changing
  • we're talking about now. F: Right. P: The farm-to-market roads, they were beginning to talk about them but not do anything about them. You see, the Highway Commission had just been formed with Robert Hubbard as chairman, and they were not too active
  • , Administrator Rutherford Poats, Assistant Administrator, Bureau for F a r East; ATTORNEY GENERAL Robert F . Kennedy BUREAU OF THE BUDGET Kermit Gordon, Director CIA John A. McCone, Director William Colby DEFENSE Ro1::iert S. McNamara, Secretary John McNaughton
  • somebody who concentrated on Vietnam and another chap who concentrated on Asian problems outside of Vietnam. [Robert] Komer had responsibility for the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa. M: Corresponds to the ANE bureau in the State Department. C
  • Biographical information; McGeorge Bundy; William Bundy; Robert Komer; Vietnam; Bien Hoa; service on high-level review committee on Vietnam; Pleiku incident; Honolulu Conference; Ky; bombing halt; Harriman; Wilson; J. Blair Seaborn mission, 1964
  • Kennedy walked into his office, the first time after John Kennedy 1 s death. It was Lyndon that suggested that we see Guess Who's Corning to Dinner, and we all went out to the hangar which is completed now, for showing movies, . and very nice, except
  • ; Lady Bird meets LBJ at hangar; park meeting continues at the LBJ Birthplace; to LBJ Ranch house; Johnsons, Lynda & Chuck Robb and the Krims drive the Lewis place; Robert Kennedy announces run for President; "Guess Who's Coming for Dinner?" movie shown
  • enthusiastic about the Diem regime than Kennedy was. Did you get that feeling at all? T: Well, I suppose it might be a by-product of--this has just occurred to me, I hadn't thought about it in those terms--what you might call LBJ Presidential Library http
  • the commitment of American combat troops. G: Even before the end of 1963, there was contemplation of pulling out a thousand troops. M: That's right. did. Mr. Kennedy announced that, the Kennedy Administration I can't remember whether it was McNamara
  • operate, and it's through these sources that one can develop countermeasures. G: I understand. I believe Secretary [Robert] McNamara testified later before one of the Senate committees that he regarded this as a routine patrol. Some people think
  • ; discussions on Vietnam; LBJ and Vietnam; incidents preceding and following Gulf of Tonkin incident; Robert McNamara; use of intelligence support
  • , and I was a speech writer and there wasn't anything much lower than a speech writer. (Laughter) But I have come on to much more exalted planes. Now, in this library there are some forty some million papers and they are very--I think Mr. [Robert "Bob