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Oral history transcript, John A. Gronouski, interview 2 (II), 2/10/1969, by Paige E. Mulhollan
Walter Jenkins , William Bundy, Robert McNamara, Katzenbach, Walt Rostow, Gene Rostow. Washington meetings about bombing Hanoi in December 1966, cessation of bombing in Hanoi, Poland backing out of discussions, Gronouski’s interpretation of Polish…

Oral history transcript, Ramsey Clark, interview 2 (II), 2/11/1969, by T.H. Baker
Tenure in Lands Division of AG office; procedures for presidential appointment; RFK-LBJ relationship; JFK assassination; work at White House in 1964 as detached duty from AG assignment; White House staff assignments; appointments in AG’s office and…

Oral history transcript, Birch Bayh, interview 1 (I), 2/12/1969, by Paige E. Mulhollan
VP LBJ as liaison with Senate; 1961 transition; Bayh relations with White House staff; joking and needling by President Johnson; close relationship with the Johnsons; 89th Congress; Bayh's criticism of Vietnam; summary of Johnson as President; Bayh…

Oral history transcript, George R. Davis, interview 1 (I), 2/13/1969, by Dorothy Pierce (McSweeny)
Relationship with LBJ, who was a frequent visitor to Davis' church; service on the National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity; the LBJ-Nixon transition period; Vietnam

Oral history transcript, Orville Freeman, interview 1 (I), 2/14/1969, by T.H. Baker
[For interviews 1, 2, and 3] LBJ as a liberal-conservative; LBJ record up to 1960; Democratic Advisory Committee; 1960 and 1964 conventions and elections; Freeman’s personal interest in the Vice-Presidency; JFK problems in Minnesota; LBJ and the…

Oral history transcript, John A. Gronouski, interview 3 (III), 2/14/1969, by Paige E. Mulhollan
Talks with the Chinese about “no first use” agreement, Test Ban Treaty, offer to exchange medicine, scholars, etc.; attempts to break down formality with the Chinese, Senator Albert Gore divulging information to the press, LBJ’s building…

Oral history transcript, McGeorge Bundy, interview 2 (II), 2/17/1969, by Paige E. Mulhollan
Evaluation of the situation in Vietnam in 1963; the problem with guessing how JFK would have responded to issues LBJ faced in Vietnam and the Dominican Republic; JFK's and LBJ's sensitivity to military opinion and the advice they were given;…

Oral history transcript, Frank M. Wozencraft, interview 5 (V), 2/24/1969, by T.H. Baker
Wozencraft's work on a study group related to the revision of international treaty laws; the 1968 United Nations (UN) Conference on the Law of Treaties negotiations over how treaties should be invalidated and terminated; concern that proposed…

Oral history transcript, Frank M. Wozencraft, interview 6 (VI), 2/24/1969, by T.H. Baker
a 1966 interdepartmental conference on proposed legislation to establish a fishery zone beyond the three-mile territorial seas limit; Bureau of the Budget's role in uniting the positions of various departments; the Department of the Navy, State…

Oral history transcript, Frank M. Wozencraft, interview 8 (VIII), 2/25/1969, by T.H. Baker

The importance of trying to measure support for pending legislation before the vote; the number of uncertain votes before the vote on Reorganization Plan Number One; Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) regulation and legislation regarding supplemental…

Oral history transcript, Frank M. Wozencraft, interview 7 (VII), 2/25/1969, by T.H. Baker

The Plan of Reorganization Act of 1945; LBJ's plan to merge the Bureau of Narcotics from the Department of the Treasury and the Bureau of Drug Abuse Control from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) into one bureau under the…

Oral history transcript, Frank M. Wozencraft, interview 9 (IX), 2/25/1969, by T.H. Baker
the relationships between the federal government, state and local governments, and private enterprise; the changing role of states and the federal government in interstate compacts; federal participation in interstate compacts; air and water…

Oral history transcript, Frank M. Wozencraft, interview 10 (X), 2/26/1969, by T.H. Baker
Department of Justice history and its role as legal advisor to the president through the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC); laws created in the executive branch, such as through executive order, presidential proclamations and executive agreements;…

Oral history transcript, Frank M. Wozencraft, interview 11 (XI), 2/27/1969, by T.H. Baker
The importance of maintaining a high moral standard; proposed revision of the Administrative Procedure Act; Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) strategies to delay or expedite action to accomplish their intended goals; how to get a viewpoint heard and…

Oral history transcript, Wilbur J. Cohen, interview 2 (II), 3/2/1969, by David G. McComb
[For interview 1, 2, and 3] Biographical information; social security; Eleanor Roosevelt; 1939 amendment to Social Security Act; Congressional committee and chairmen; unemployment insurance; disability benefits; Kennedy administration; Medicare; LBJ…

Oral history transcript, William S. White, interview 1 (I), 3/5/1969, by Dorothy Pierce (McSweeny)
First impressions of LBJ; LBJ as a Senator; Civil Rights Bill; White’s special access to LBJ; LBJ’s humor; White’s books; LBJ as VP; criticism of LBJ’s domestic programs and Vietnam War.

Oral history transcript, William S. White, interview 2 (II), 3/10/1969, by Dorothy Pierce (McSweeny)
Criticism of LBJ’s domestic programs and Vietnam War credibility gap; polls; DNC; Vietnam settlement; appraisal of LBJ; relationship with Lady Bird.

Oral history transcript, Orville Freeman, interview 2 (II), 3/12/1969, by T.H. Baker
[For interviews 1, 2, and 3] LBJ as a liberal-conservative; LBJ record up to 1960; Democratic Advisory Committee; 1960 and 1964 conventions and elections; Freeman’s personal interest in the Vice-Presidency; JFK problems in Minnesota; LBJ and the…

Oral history transcript, Hale Boggs, interview 1 (I), 3/13/1969, by T.H. Baker
[For interview 1 and 2] Biographical information; Rayburn-Johnson relationship; early signs of leadership in the House; meetings to coordinate Senate and House leadership; 1956 and 1960 conventions; role of Democratic Advisory Council; 1957 Civil…

Oral history transcript, Clark M. Clifford, interview 1 (I), 3/17/1969, by Joe B. Frantz
Biographical information; Naval career; Special Counsel to President Truman; formation of the Department of Defense; first association with LBJ; Taft-Hartley Act; member of the 1946 labor advisory group; 1948 campaign train; Truman’s relationship…

Oral history transcript, Erich Leinsdorf, interview 1 (I), 3/18/1969, by Joe B. Frantz
First meeting with young LBJ, arranged through newspaper publisher Charles E. Marsh; LBJ arranges for extension of Leinsdorf's visa and application for citizenship; entertaining during the vice presidential and presidential years; appointed trustee…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence E. (Larry) Levinson, interview 2 (II), 3/18/1969, by Paige E. Mulhollan
LBJ staff members' involvement in political activities; Department of Transportation legislation and Chairman Chet Holifield; compiling a list of LBJ's domestic accomplishments for speeches and a possible 1968 campaign; March 31, 1968 speech; White…

Oral history transcript, McGeorge Bundy, interview 3 (III), 3/19/1969, by Paige E. Mulhollan
Problems with Panama/U.S. relations in 1964; LBJ's interaction with Ambassador William Tapley Bennett and events leading up to U.S. intervention in the Dominican Republic; LBJ's decision-making process during the Dominican Republic intervention and…

Oral history transcript, Ramsey Clark, interview 3 (III), 3/21/1969, by T.H. Baker
Watts riots 1965; history of Community Relations Service and its appropriate setting; White House Conference on Civil Rights 1966; Open Housing Bill

Oral history transcript, Everett McKinley Dirksen, interview 2 (II), 3/21/1969, by Joe B. Frantz
Discussion of issues associated with LBJ's political service; federal aid to public schools; Supreme Court appointments

Oral history transcript, Harry C. McPherson, interview 4 (IV), 3/24/1969, by T.H. Baker
Charles Roberts article; Clifford’s doubts; TET offensive; personal doubts about the Vietnam commitment; LBJ didn’t like to hear opposition to the Vietnam policy; 3/22 luncheon meeting with LBJ; 20th parallel memorandum; State Department meeting;…

Oral history transcript, Hale Boggs, interview 2 (II), 3/27/1969, by T.H. Baker
[For interview 1 and 2] Biographical information; Rayburn-Johnson relationship; early signs of leadership in the House; meetings to coordinate Senate and House leadership; 1956 and 1960 conventions; role of Democratic Advisory Council; 1957 Civil…

Oral history transcript, Roy Wilkins, interview 1 (I), 4/1/1969, by T.H. Baker
Contacts with LBJ; Rule 22; 1957 Civil Rights Act; JFK’s civil rights stand; LBJ as VP selection; NAACP; LBJ’s interest in civil rights as VP; impressions about the Senegal trip; assessment of JFK’s actions on civil rights legislation; 1963…

Oral history transcript, Elizabeth (Liz) Carpenter, interview 2 (II), 4/4/1969, by Joe B. Frantz
Evolving of Lady Bird’s role as First Lady; handled all speech invitations; beginning of beautification idea; Sharon Francis; beautification efforts; Walter Washington; planting of Jacqueline Kennedy Garden; billboards; LBJ’s interest in…

Oral history transcript, Harry C. McPherson, interview 5 (V), 4/9/1969, by T.H. Baker
White House reaction to Watts riots; LBJ’s speech to the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission regarding rioters; Clark group’s report on Watts; LBJ-HHH relationship; Roger Wilkins; death of MLK; LBJ’s feelings about MLK; Louis Martin;…

Oral history transcript, James A. Shannon, interview 1 (I), 4/9/1969, by Stephen Goodell
Biographical information; the history of medical research in the United States and other countries; Public Law 480 funds; the benefits of international collaboration in medical research; the contributions of Congressman John Fogarty to health…

Oral history transcript, Drew Pearson, interview 1 (I), 4/10/1969, by Joe B. Frantz
Biographical information; first recollections of LBJ; Charlie Marsh; early impressions of LBJ; supported LBJ in the 1948 campaign; LBJ won Senate Minority Leadership over Lister Hill; LBJ didn’t support Adlai Stevenson adequately; strained…

Oral history transcript, Ramsey Clark, interview 4 (IV), 4/16/1969, by T.H. Baker
Urban disorders of 1966 and 1967; assassination of MLK

Oral history transcript, Stewart L. Udall, interview 1 (I), 4/18/1969, by Joe B. Frantz
Biographical information; Rayburn; JFK; 1960 Democratic campaign; LBJ’s vice presidency; Lady Bird; Interior; Job Corps; RFK and LBJ

Oral history transcript, Nash Castro, interview 4 (IV), 4/25/1969, by Joe B. Frantz
Congressional interest in, and reaction to, planning of the Resurrection City demonstration in the 1968 Poor People's Campaign; congressional hearings related to the demonstration; the issue of whether or not to issue a permit for Resurrection City;…

Oral history transcript, John Chancellor, interview 1 (I), 4/25/1969, by Dorothy Pierce (McSweeny)
Chancellor’s career history; getting to know LBJ. Mrs. Johnson’s effect on LBJ; European view of LBJ; Relationship of LBJ with the Kennedys. Chancellor’s appointment to the Voice of America and the following aspects of VOA: national radio…

Oral history transcript, Carl B. Albert, interview 1 (I), 4/28/1969, by Dorothy Pierce (McSweeny)
Biographical information; first association with LBJ; Board of Education meetings; Richard Russell; Will Rogers, Jr.; recollections of LBJ as congressman; Albert Thomas; 1948 election; Mike Mansfield; Robert Kerr; Mike Monroney; Clint Anderson;…

Oral history transcript, James E. Webb, interview 1 (I), 4/29/1969, by T.H. Baker
Biographical information; contact with LBJ; NASA; Space Science Board; aeronautical industry; VP’s role in the space program; presidential advisory groups; Webb-McNamara agreement; lunar voyage; Axis Concept; Albert Thomas; “Space Age…

Oral history transcript, Clarence Mitchell, interview 1 (I), 4/30/1969, by T.H. Baker
First knowledge of LBJ; Dr. Robert Weaver and Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune enthusiastic regarding LBJ; Mrs. Bethune and the NYA; friendship with Stuart Symington; LBJ getting building for Huston-Tillotson College; relationship with LBJ; 1957 Civil…

Oral history transcript, Nash Castro, interview 5 (V), 5/1/1969, by Joe B. Frantz
Solidarity Day, June 19, 1968; Solidarity Day chairmen Bayard Rustin and, later, Sterling Tucker; Dean Rusk's son, David Rusk, and his work on Solidarity Day; estimating the number of people expected for the Solidarity Day event; speeches by Ralph…