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Oral history transcript, David Ginsburg, interview 4 (IV), 11/11/1988, by Michael L. Gillette
Financing the recommendations of the National Advisory Commission of Civil Disorders with the fiscal dividend; the rush to release the Commission's report; communication between Ginsburg and Joe Califano; John Lindsay's political aspirations;…

Oral history transcript, David Ginsburg, interview 3 (III), 9/19/1988, by Michael L. Gillette
The formation of the Kerner Commission and Ginsburg's invitation to be its executive director; LBJ's belief that the 1967 race riots had been part of a conspiracy; Ginsburg's relationship with Abe Fortas; Ginsburg's first meeting with LBJ regarding…

Oral history transcript, David Ginsburg, interview 2 (II), 8/26/1988, by Michael L. Gillette
Working with Vice President Hubert Humphrey to develop his campaign platform before the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago; working on a Vietnam speech for Humphrey to give in Chicago; LBJ and Humphrey's views on Vietnam; consulting with…

Oral history transcript, David Ginsburg, interview 1 (I), 8/15/1988, by Michael L. Gillette
Meeting LBJ in the 1930s and interaction between LBJ and Ginsburg in the Office of Price Administration; socializing with LBJ; LBJ's concern over the price of copper; sending Averell Harriman to Chile to negotiate to stabilize copper prices;…