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Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 1 (I), 9/18/1985, by Michael L. Gillette
John F. Kennedy's (JFK) plan regarding primaries going into the 1960 Democratic National Convention; assigning JFK staffers to specific state delegations; JFK's decision to address the Texas delegation; JFK's decision to ask Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) to…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 2 (II), 10/29/1985, by Michael L. Gillette
Information dissemination in the Congress and White House; the public relations value of getting information early; the importance of a president-elect's staff and cabinet choices; O'Brien's meetings with cabinet members to reiterate the president's…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 3 (III), 10/30/1985, by Michael L. Gillette
The John F. Kennedy (JFK) administration's relationship with Carl Vinson and other southern Democrats; funding for an aircraft project and Vinson's argument with a staff member over his decision to support JFK; the knowledge and influence of…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 4 (IV), 12/4/1985, by Michael L. Gillette
O'Brien's discussion with Joseph Kennedy about the New Frontier program; leadership in the House of Representatives before and after Sam Rayburn's death; the Trade Expansion Act of 1962; a private-sector public-relations operation led by Howard…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 5 (V), 12/5/1985, by Michael L. Gillette
O'Brien's and John F. Kennedy's (JFK) relationship with John Glenn; how Glenn's space success helped NASA; the role of a vice president and how well Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) fit it; JFK's staff members' opinion of LBJ after JFK was assassinated; LBJ's…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 6 (VI), 2/11/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
John F. Kennedy's (JFK) effort as a young politician to become a better communicator; how Lyndon Johnson's (LBJ) legislative power shifted when he became vice president and then president; JFK's and LBJ's different styles in dealing with members of…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 7 (VII), 2/12/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
How John F. Kennedy's (JFK) assassination affected the reputation of Dallas and Texas; the emotional toll of JFK's and Robert Kennedy's (RFK) deaths on O'Brien; being asked to identify the missal that was used when Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) took his oath…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 8 (VIII), 4/8/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
Assessing the work of congressional liaison staff from various departments; the importance of department and agency heads in promoting the president's programs; the importance of congressional liaison work; Nicholas Katzenbach of the Justice…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 9 (IX), 4/9/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
John F. Kennedy's (JFK) plans for the 1964 presidential campaign before his death; Barry Goldwater's visit to Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) after the 1964 Republican National Convention; O'Brien's involvement in LBJ's 1964 presidential campaign; October 1964…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 10 (X), 6/25/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
Lyndon Johnson's (LBJ) concern that the 1964 presidential campaign plan was not being carried out and insistence that O'Brien get involved; O'Brien's regional campaign status meetings; how LBJ's campaign compared to Barry Goldwater's; the power of…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 11 (XI), 7/24/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
Optimism in the LBJ Administration going into the 89th Congress in 1964 with a large Democratic majority; Medicare and education as legislative priorities; the powerful alliance of Republicans and southern Democrats; O'Brien's awareness of elected…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 12 (XII), 7/25/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
Efforts to enlist the help of Katharine Graham and the Washington Post staff to get support for D.C. home rule; LBJ's support for House Rules Committee reform that would help the liberal members of the House; the regional medical centers program and…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 13 (XIII), 9/10/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
The Water Quality Act and Clean Air Act; the difference between passage of legislation and the administration of programs related to the legislation; the role of automobile makers toward improving air quality; whether clean air and water should be…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 14 (XIV), 9/11/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
The Higher Education Act of 1965; creating the Teacher Corps to address inequality in education; proposals for a loan guarantee program and tuition tax credit; separation of church and state as it relates to education legislation; O'Brien's opinion…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 15 (XV), 11/20/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
O'Brien's swearing-in ceremony as a U.S. postmaster general in Hye, Texas; William Manchester's book Death of a President; Springfield, Massachusetts' O'Brien Day in November 1965; speculation that O'Brien would run for the Senate in Massachusetts…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 16 (XVI), 11/21/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
John Gronouski's appointment as ambassador to Poland after being U.S. postmaster general; the beautification stamp; a Post Office Department recruiting plan for college graduates; Civil Service regulations and hiring practices; a training program for…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 17 (XVII), 12/17/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
Russell Long's support for LBJ's programs and how Long compared to Harry Byrd, Sr., as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee; tax increases to help pay for the Vietnam War; Winston Prouty's and Vance Hartke's proposed amendments to change Social…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 18 (XVIII), 12/18/1986, by Michael L. Gillette
A rush to get senators back to Washington D.C. to support a reorganization plan that transferred the Community Relations Service from the Commerce Department to the Justice Department; Mike Mansfield's reluctance to be aggressive in seeking support…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 19 (XIX), 4/22/1987, by Michael L. Gillette
The loss of Democrats in the Congress in 1967, especially in the House of Representatives; O'Brien's continued involvement in the legislative program in 1967 while advocating for postal reform and a change in postal rates; the strength of House and…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 20 (XX), 4/23/1987, by Michael L. Gillette
Preparations for the 1968 presidential election as of November 1967; O'Brien's involvement in the 1964 presidential election; O'Brien's white paper on how to wage a 1968 campaign; O'Brien's work on postal reform and efforts to include political…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 21 (XXI), 6/18/1987, by Michael L. Gillette
The 1968 proposed tax surcharge to address rising costs of the Vietnam War and curb inflation; support from the business community for the tax surcharge; Civil Rights Act of 1968; Everett Dirksen's role in passing the cloture vote; the Housing and…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 22 (XXII), 6/19/1987, by Michael L. Gillette
Robert F. Kennedy's (RFK) approach to his 1968 presidential campaign through primaries; seeking support for RFK before the Indiana primary; utilizing Matt Reese, block captains, and student volunteers in Indiana; receptions to thank local personnel…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 23 (XXIII), 7/21/1987, by Michael L. Gillette
Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) loss to Eugene McCarthy in the Oregon primary; support for RFK going into the New York primary; concerns going into the California primary and memories of 1960 California problems with Edmund "Pat" Brown; the RFK/McCarthy…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 24 (XXIV), 7/22/1987, by Michael L. Gillette
Support for Hubert Humphrey's nomination from George McGovern and Edward Kennedy, but not Eugene McCarthy; McCarthy's complaint that the Democratic National Convention had not been fair; O'Brien's August 27, 1968, memo discussing the campaign and…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 25 (XXV), 8/25/1987, by Michael L. Gillette
Hubert Humphrey's public appearances after his Vietnam speech in Salt Lake City; avoiding certain campaign areas due to lack of support and negative media there; campaign organization; improving advance work for trips; the campaign status in…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 26 (XXVI), 8/26/1987, by Michael L. Gillette
Lyndon Johnson's (LBJ) role in Hubert Humphrey's presidential campaign, especially in Texas; why LBJ wasn't more involved in the campaign; Humphrey's Salt Lake City speech about Vietnam; what LBJ could have done to help Humphrey; efforts to gain…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 27 (XXVII), 9/23/1987, by Michael L. Gillette
The Humphreys' visit with the O'Briens the day before Richard Nixon's inauguration; O'Brien's decision to become president of McDonnell and Company as Murray McDonnell became chairman of the board; Ira Kapenstein and Phyllis Maddock moving to…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 28 (XXVIII), 9/24/1987, by Michael L. Gillette
the state of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) when O'Brien became chairman; O'Brien's immediate reorganization of the DNC and new priorities; efforts to build the relationship between the DNC and Congress; DNC help with 1970 off-year…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 29 (XXIX), 11/3/1987, by Michael L. Gillette
The possibility of Wilbur Mills' presidential candidacy; the Commission on Party Structure and Delegate Selection, first led by George McGovern; changes in the delegate selection process to include more African-Americans, women, and young people;…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 30 (XXX), 11/4/1987, by Michael L. Gillette
1972 discussions with George McGovern regarding whether or not O'Brien should remain Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman; O'Brien's role as national chairman of McGovern's campaign; Gary Hart's campaign experience and view of O'Brien's role;…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 31 (XXXI), 12/10/1987, by Michael L. Gillette
Charles Colson; memos Richard Nixon's staff wrote and distributed attempting to hurt O'Brien's reputation, including one that suggested a conflict of interest between O'Brien as head of O'Brien Associates and Democratic National Committee (DNC)…

Oral history transcript, Lawrence F. O'Brien, interview 32 (XXXII), 12/11/1987, by Michael L. Gillette
A March 1973 memo from Charles Colson to H. R. Haldeman regarding Richard Kleindienst's confirmation as U.S. attorney general, International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (ITT) files, false testimony by U.S. Attorney General John Mitchell and…