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  • Johnson Administration, and I guess even back starting with the Kennedy Administration, was a whole series of ideas involving premises such as "the FBI doesn't like the civil rights movement"; "J. Edgar Hoover and Martin Luther King have a vendetta
  • ;” work for Senator Joseph McCarthy; Justice Department and Ramsey Clark; Community Relations division; Roger Wilkins; Leroy Collins; FBI and J. Edgar Hoover; 1965 Voting Rights Act; solution to race and peace problems.
  • relationship with King, I think Johnson believed to a certain degree some of the things that J. Edgar Hoover was sending over about King. I think to a certain degree Johnson believed that King was hypocritical in that he was preaching all the things on religion
  • Golden; Everett Dirksen; Barry Goldwater; Senator J. William Fulbright.
  • well here is J. Edgar Hoover. I met him first when he was a clerk down in the Department of Justice and got to talking to him and he said there ought to be a fingerprint bureau. A murder was committed in Phoenix and I heard the man had been
  • Project Bill; Bureau of the Budget; J. Edgar Hoover; LBJ-Eisenhower relationship; 1956 campaign; VP nomination; Ernest McFarland; cloture rule; Federal Highway Department; Indian affairs; Goldwater family; Hayden's father
  • to the Mansion. 6:13 p t J. 7:25p President 7:26p President ' Nixon Edgar Hoover left Oval Office an d accompanied President-elect Nixon to South Grounds wJaea^exkiSLxiepaa^eidx: proceeded to Mansion --and to the second floor w/ President-elect President
  • of the The mvestigators called for a Minutemen as evidenced by tea m Of A rmy exp1.0s1·ves ex- recent testimony ' by FBI Direcperts from Ft.. McN~ir. It _could tor J. Edgar Hoover before a not be dE:termmed Im~ediately House Appropriations subcomhow vola~ile the dyn~m1te
  • . This is one of the agencies where cutting was easiest. G: He also--the corrmittee in the Senate as a whole, I guess, cut the FBI appropriation for the first time. R: J. Edgar Hoover agreed to it. He ca 11 ed J. Edgar and got­ - G: Oh? R: Yes. G: Let
  • LBJ and Senate activities, 1957; Middle East problems; disarmament issue; open curtain proposal; USIA; J. Edgar Hoover; 1957 Civil Rights Bill; Little Rock crisis; Senators Walter George and Richard Russell; Sputnik; space hearings; Johnson
  • Latimer's files consisting of correspondence with Lyndon B. Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, and J. J. Pickle. They also contain two handwritten letters from Lyndon B. Johnson to Latimer's parents. The letters discuss Johnson's role in the Sam Houston High School
  • major functions of the JCS and DoD during the intervening years. It therefore appears logical to terminate the requirement for the NESC. I have coordinated this proposal with George Ball, J. Edgar Hoover, John A. McCone, Glenn To Seaborg, John F. Doherty
  • COPY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON 25, D.C. Jn Reply, Please Refer to FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE File No. OCTOBE 22, 1964 F I Director J. Edgar Hoover today reported to President Johnson and Acting
  • point program -- that many of those things have now been accomplished. Someo f the points were the Chamizal Treaty problem, the Amistad Dam, Fulbrigh t Scholars , the Scr J. Edgar Hoover - Washington, D. C . J V had given the President reports on how
  • was going to see Helms. 2)Helms spent 20 min. w/Sen. Dirksen this p. m. and had a discussion in detail. . that Dirksen says there is one other man he wants to talk to first -- that is J. Edgar Hoover. 'HITE Housi Date February ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON t
  • STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUR E AU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply, Please Refer to File No. W A SHINGTON 25, D.C. FOR 1Mlv.Q\1)It\1I'E RELEASE OCTOBER 12, 1964. F'BI Director J . Edgar Hoover today reported to President Johnson and Actln
  • Carrington Miss Taylor (daughter) and two friends Capt. John Proctor General Harkins Lt. Gen. A. J. Goodpaster Capt. G. C. Bullard Col. E. H. DeSaussure Col. H. L. Hogan, III Page 4 Thursday July 2. 1964 Mrs. Johnson (to the Pres. in his bedroom J. Edgar
  • not have the use of the table, was ped­ dling copies oi Our Sunday Visitor, November 12, 1961, decorated with a not­ too-flattering drawing of J. Edgar Hoover, designed to associate J. Edgar with the article by Fr. Cletus Healy, S. J., entitled "Our Moral
  • in the original Un-American hearings. We know where she is. is her name. She's married. She lives in Brooklyn. So-and-so J. Edgar Hoover is sending men all over the country to investigate, because the President gave him that order. He knows this, LBJ
  • (nr) (all day) Sunday Mansion 10:07 f 10:10 10:20 Larry O'Brien t Judge Agent Brown 1:10 1:45 t t Miss Jimilu Pierre 2:23 3:00 3: 35 t t t t Thornberry (SS) Mr. Bundy J. Secy Jimilu Mason - working 1, 1964 on bust until Valenti
  • on many issues.Of cour•t, it la always ln strict aecrecery.) IONOAY EVENING, JULY 28, t9•7. CIJOR HERE-Jame, A. Farley, one of th• nallon'a lop . VI J ltkal flruru, - howo bflow with Walter w.~'IN&yliHEPn a lier, . • l, ..~•'l.•I •nil , 1 11t
  • . BRAMAN, J. D. , Mayor of Seattle. Washington BRICKLEY, James. President Pro Tempore of Michigan Senat e CARTWRIGHT, E. O. , chairman. Dallas Public Transit Board mTE House n^tr Sept. EMI LYNDON B. JOHNSON MARY r^iH^nt h^,n h;^ w^y *t rP!.r^) White
  • appropriate lhat the tribute benefite the Friends of the Library. As far back as 1965, Mrs. Johnson began work on the Lyndon Baines J hnson Library - c nferring with curators, historians, archivi ts, and architects to create a place of living history. She
  • . Hughes: Well, we've had 4 tests already, I just left the conference, one of these on the board is Judge Whipple ••• and they've agreed with me to call in the grand jury and indict these violaters••• .L BJ: Well you just let Ramsey Clark or Mr. Hoover
  • Hughes, Richard J. (Richard Joseph), 1909-
  • might be used in the search; that Navy helicopters were al­ ready beJng use
  • }\e tirm1! 8 Rizzo's daily routine:'"· • - Dr • 1De, 8 . . , But actually, Bailey said he talked of having President John:did not plan to go through with son and FBI Director J. Edgar; it.· Instead, he reported the al- Hoover murdered. lege~ plot t
  • the Secretary of Agriculture asking questions that he never asked before. He thought that was great, and these bureau chiefs, of course the classic is J. Edgar Hoover, but the head of the Forest Service or the Bureau of Land Management or men of equal
  • See all online interviews with Charles J. Zwick
  • over PPBS; J. Edgar Hoover; LBJ evaluated in some detail; the Labor Department reorganization infuriates LBJ; LBJ characterized as to temper, language, schedule, intelligence, energy, vigor; Califano, McPherson, Levinson, Cater evaluated; the RMN
  • Zwick, Charles J. (Charles John), 1926-
  • Oral history transcript, Charles J. Zwick, interview 2 (II), 8/1/1969, by David G. McComb
  • Charles J. Zwick
  • of your spring--"rhat s07C.e of them aren It. crises, al \'le But tell De ,.]hatever you could call -k.t10\.J about s and the d2cisio'l not to run again. T: Well, I recall, Joe, that after the President made the decision that he television
  • impatience; MLK and Resurrection City; Ramsey Clark and his relationship with LBJ; wire-tapping; J. Edgar Hoover; Robert Kennedy’s assassination; getting Secret Service protection for Presidential candidates; the Commission on Violence; Lloyd Cutler
  • part of it stemmed from the fact that he was so uninhibited--he was manipulative and calculating in many ways, but he was so uninhibited also on the phone that he thought he was entitled to some sense of privacy. G: Did he distrust J. Edgar Hoover
  • didn't come until the following year with the Safe Streets and Crime Control Act. G: How about organized crime? C: Well, we had meetings on organized crime. We went after it. I even have a picture I think of a meeting with [J. Edgar] Hoover
  • . Edgar Hoover and Robert Kennedy was surfaced, the Department under Nick Katzenbach attempted to find a middle ground; one that would not embarrass, or unduly embarrass, Robert Kennedy, and one that was nonetheless candid and honest as to the prior
  • that, and then when at home, they moved him home, we gave him--I guess the first week in August, I don't know, something like that, that's when I called J. Edgar Hoover who lived across the street and all of his neighbors there to meet the ambulance when they brought
  • Christmas greetings. (a signed letter) on December 23, 1965 to the following persons: · P~// 0 ~?:-lv_6_ ,r ~ Secretary Dean Rusk ~·· . Sec reta Willa.rd. "'Wl rt& I I Director J. ~dgar"'Hoover Administrafor James E. "'Webb Director Charles,..Schultze
  • for Bravery and Service. are: Capilla, Kail ua, Oshu, Hawaii G. Glynn III, Westbury, Long Island, New York Mary Lynne Donohue, Sheboyg an, Wisconsin attending; Director J Edgar Hoover Solicitor General Erwin Griswold 1968 VHITE HOUS E dat DENT LYNDO N B
  • . He call d J. Edgar Hoover to tell him that he wants the inquiry to be run by the FBI at the federal level, and by state attorney general Waggoner Carr at the state level. Johnson said, "So I looked at the transcript that I had prepared in part and I
  • , Louisville, Ky Mr. Leslie Bland, Chicago Hon Margaret Cox, NYC Hon. Dennis R ^xdk Coleman, State Senator, Bronx, NY Mrs. Shirley A. Chisholm, State Representative, Brooklyn Hon. Bernar d Charles, City Councilman, Spring Valley, NY Hon. Felton J Capel, City
  • in Presidential Library Collections "Homeplace" Honeymoon (Johnsons) Honor Guard (U.S. Armed Forces) Honorary Degrees and Awards Honorary Memberships Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover, J. Edgar - 11/23/63 Telephone Conversation with LBJ (IBM Belt Recording) Hoover (Herbert
  • the last year in the White House with President and Mrs. Johnson. Mary, who has since been working in the Library on President Johnson's early papers, retired on May 1. Mildred Stegall with President Johnson {left); with. J. Edgar Hoover (right
  • -- 18 think he thought J. Edgar Hoover went bonkers on some things and shouldn't be allowed to do it. G: But then on the other hand, did he like to read the reports that came from this material? B: Loved to read them, and loved to read them out loud
  • surtax and Wilbur Mills; LBJ's concern for the people at the 1968 Poor People's Campaign demonstration; gun control; LBJ's view on wiretaps and his relationship with J. Edgar Hoover; mistake regarding letters to Congress members following the signing
  • rallies of the NSRP~ Effigies of President LYNOON B. JOHNSON and U s Attorney General NICHOLA·s B. KATZENBACH were burned. Eighty people were in · attendance as LYNCH spoke, and an effigy or J. EDGAR HOOVER, Director, FBI was burn·e d" !/ ..,,,.,, .~ T
  • Bio: Thomas Lemuel Johns (b. December 11, 1925-d. May 2014, Hoover, Alabama), Secret Service agent who protected President Lyndon B. Johnson, 1954-1976.
  • in Detroit, Newark, Nashville, and Cambridge, issue of Time magazine dated 8/11/67, and FBI Report by J. Edgar Hoover dated 7/26/67. [Reports and Memos Related to Racial Riots 1967] [2 of 2] Aide to the President Files Primaries - Information
  • Markman, Sherwin J., 1929-
  • Folder title list, Personal Papers, Papers of Sherwin J. Markman
  • card and burn it but it wasn't a draft card. It would be a Xerox copy of a draft card because they didn't want to get in trouble. But Hershey was--he was somebody you couldn't talk to. He was terribly out of touch. He'd become not quite J. Edgar Hoover
  • be in 1960. Had yoct any particular acquaintance with Johnson prior to that time? S: I had known Johnson when he was Majority Leader, I'd known far better very close friends and supporters of his, esp2cially J[m Rowe and Phil Graham. At Jim Rowe's